My Recurring Donation Payment Failed! Now What?

At times you may find that a recurring donation payment has failed. When a donor signs up for a recurring donation, from time to time a payment may fail. This can be for a number of reasons, not all of which are obvious based on the message returned by Stripe. Failure Codes If a payment ...

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Cancel a Recurring Donation

At times, a donor may wish to cancel their recurring donation. There are two options to complete this task: Self-Serve Option for the Donor The donor can cancel a recurring gift themselves. Every receipt email that is sent for the recurring payments contains a link at the bottom where they can cancel the next payment ...

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Reassign Recurring Gifts to a New Form

If you’re taking advantage of the recurring gifts functionality of donation forms, you already know how convenient it is to capture sustaining gifts in support of your organization generally, or for a specific campaign. But what happens when you want to end a particular campaign, and want to stop updating and using the form that ...

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