Engaging Donors in Times of Crisis

Unfortunately, many communities face crisis. When disaster strikes—whether it’s a hurricane, economic downturn, or global pandemic—the world looks to nonprofits to provide essential services and support. While these crises underscore the critical work your organization does, they also pose unique challenges to fundraising and donor engagement. It’s a delicate balance: acknowledging the hardship while inspiring ...

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Build a Social Media Strategy for Your Nonprofit

Social media is a powerful tool that nonprofits can use to spread awareness about their mission, attract volunteers and supporters, and raise funds. But with so many different platforms and approaches to consider, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. We’ll walk you through the steps of developing a social media strategy for ...

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Beyond Email: Building Relationships with Direct Mail

In the age of instant messaging and social media, it’s tempting to think that traditional fundraising methods like direct mail are relics of the past. But hold on! Direct mail fundraising, when done strategically, can still be a powerful tool in your nonprofit’s arsenal. Think about it: while our inboxes overflow with emails vying for ...

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Create Consistent and Effective Touchpoints

For non-profits, fostering strong donor relationships is at the heart of achieving your mission. Donors are the lifeblood of your organization, providing the resources you need to make a positive impact on the world. While that annual fundraising letter holds its place, research suggests a more strategic approach: creating multiple, unique touchpoints throughout the year. ...

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Building Lasting Bonds: A Guide to Volunteer Retention

Attracting enthusiastic volunteers is crucial for any non-profit organization, but keeping them engaged and passionate over time is the key to maximizing their impact. This is the challenge of volunteer retention, a crucial aspect of building a successful volunteer program. guide explores key strategies to cultivating a thriving volunteer program and foster lasting relationships with ...

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Understanding Generosity: Why People Donate

Giving isn’t just about money; it’s about human connection. Understanding the why behind donations empowers nonprofits to forge lasting bonds with supporters and cultivate a vibrant community fueled by shared purpose. Let’s delve into the key factors that motivate people’s generosity. The Desire to Make a Difference Empathy and Altruism: The Helping Hand Within – ...

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