Now Accepting Donor Advised Fund Donations!

At Donor Wrangler we are always looking for ways to help our clients meet their fundraising goals. We are thrilled to announce that Donor Wrangler customers can now seamlessly accept Donor Advised Fund (DAF) donations thanks to our new partnership with Chariot! This integration will help our customers tap into an estimated $234 BILLION of charitable assets available.

What is a Donor Advised Fund?

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a specialized financial account used for charitable giving. It allows individuals to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then make grants to 501(c)(3) organizations over time. The money in a DAF can also grow tax free and be donated at any time in the future – there are no time limits or distribution requirements for DAFs today.

Why Do Donor Advised Funds Matter?

DAFs are the fastest growing vehicle in philanthropy today. 

  • DAFs make up nearly 10% of annual giving in the US at almost $46 Billion. 
  • The number of DAF accounts has nearly tripled over the last four years. 
  • The average DAF gift is nearly $5k.

We can expect the assets and giving through DAFs to continue to grow. This is why it’s so critical for nonprofits to provide an optimized digital giving experience for supporters to make DAF donations with payment solutions like Chariot natively integrated into Donor Wrangler.

Why Chariot? Why Now?

Historically, DAF giving has been far below its potential, because donors have had poor experiences going through long, multi-step processes. Further, nonprofit staff have been overburdened by inefficient processes with incomplete data. Without a solution like Donor Wrangler’s integration with Chariot, DAF fundraising has been limited for many organizations. 

With Chariot’s Donor Advised Fund payment button, donors can now issue a grant directly from their DAF account straight from your donation form with just 3 clicks in 15 seconds! You will know their gift size, and receive all the information you need to properly handle and acknowledge their gift, just as you would with any other gift made using Donor Wrangler. 

If you’re interested in further customized DAF strategies for your organization, feel free to reach out to the Chariot team at [email protected]

About Chariot     

There’s $234B sitting in Donor Advised Funds and your organization deserves more of it. Chariot enables 3-click DAF donations directly on your website so you can acquire & retain more DAF donors while saving hours of staff time. ~40% of DAF donors give with a credit card on your website first – with Chariot you’ll get more of them to give from their DAF so you know who they are, get larger gifts, and better steward those relationships.

Chariot improves giving from every DAF provider and is directly integrated with fundraising platforms serving over 20,000 nonprofit organizations. You can set up Chariot on your website in minutes, then start accepting DAF gifts and thanking those donors immediately.

Visit Chariot’s website or visit our Chariot feature page to learn more.

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